Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Think Future

When I was a small girl, I used to sit back and ask myself questions of what I was going to be in the future. Life has taught me to not worry about the future so much. It will become what it is when the time comes to that. Life will always throw a curve ball at you. I never thought in a million years that I would become an environmentalist..haha

Monday, March 30, 2009


Whitney Houston
One Moment In Time lyrics

Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown

I broke my heart
Fought every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

I've lived to be
The very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be
I will be
I will be free
I will be
I will be free

p/s: lagu 'syok sendiri' aku..

aku S.T.R.E.S.S

Huh..aku tau minggu yang bakal meng'stress'kan aku.

Next week dah kena submit miniproject groundwater hydraulic geotechnique + presentation + assignment 18 soalan yang xsiap2 lagi tu

Ada kelas lagi this saturday, the whole day pulak tu. jammed otak aku

Blog sustainability mcm xberapa nak siap lg ja

dan yg paling buat aku tensen + cuak + peluh dingin membasahi dahi...adalah...

Dateline submission thesis yg patutnya 9hb april dah diawalkan..jd 4 April..!!!!!!
Aku dah rasa nak muntah ni

matila aku.SOS!!!!!!!!!

Aku ada sindrom pelik, bila stress rasa nak tulis blog + tidur ja dan mula buat tak endah dgn lambakan kerja2 itu..huhuhu..mama...abah....dudu,bubu...tolong......

aku nak tido..supaya otot2 badan aku xlagi rasa tegang dan kejang....(p/s situasi ini aku rasa aku lebih stress dari bebudak af!) AKu perlu hadapi ketekanan ini sewajarnya.

But..i need some refreshment to get out from this stressful life..!i need my 'drugs' (my drugs=my holiday mode) i really wanna go to Venice.i dunno why? Some ppl say i'm crazy going there without romanticism purpose, so what?.....yes, sumtime i admit that i'm crazy!

Fellas..tell u sumthing, EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it... *emo*

and.. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW THAT they could be the happiest woman in the world no matter they are - Dude, happiness is a state of mind, not a state of body :)

aku kelihatan sgt stress kan kawan2?..sbbnya aku pun xpaham apa objektif a.k.a isi penting yg aku merapu-meraban entry kali ni (another simptom of jiwa kacau! igt NINJA ja jiwa kacau..)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Empty Can

Salam bloggerz sekalian..

Monday blues dtg lagi. Bos pun br balik dr indonesia..huhu. mata liat nak buka, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena...hahaha..Who really is the 'bos'? and what do u expect from a bos?

I think it depends a little bit if you talk about world leaders or "leaders" like your boss. When it comes to my boss, for being a good leader I want him to be a good listener, don't bullshit too much , being humble in his way, more realistic and bukan mcm tin kosong..ting tong-ting tong!

How did u feel when a 'toxic' become your boss? And how we recognize the toxic one? There were warning signs from a toxic boss? yes...as below;

*Empty promises - You are promised everything from share options, to raises, to promotions, but nothing ever seems to materialize. ..bonus 3 bulan gaji bla bla dan bla

*No Incentive - No praise for a job well done, no raise, no promotion, nothing! Dpkan projek, untung masuk poket sendiri.heh.

*Turns the tables - Tells you that the company will pay overtime, but when you work overtime they only pay you straight time or no pay at all, etc.

* and the list goes on..

but PITY me


men in skinny jeans

Sbg mendebat entry nor akma mustafa berkenaan isu skinny jeans..hehehe

skinny jeans for men?
uhuuu..aku jugak sgt geli dgn mereka2 itu
it's so pelik and nampak xkena la

what come out from my mind when men in skinny jeans?
* he is gay rock star wanna-be
* very bad fashion statement. Good only for girls!
* unattractive
* “Why are dudes dressing like females?”I do see that men are embracing their femininity, and the tight jeans are just a small example of that.
* and I think skinny jeans are like hot pants. They look great...only on people they are designed for--not 95 percent of the population that thinks they can rock 'em.
* straight cut is the best cutting jeans for men.
* but, far better than the baggy ass jeans i see on so many men

just my 2cent

ladies, did u like men in skinny jeans? uh..

<---the most horrible look, men in skinny..:))

ilmiah la sikit..

* Technocratic environmental ethics?
* Bioethicist @deep ecology @ecocentric?

if you are environmental jargon, surely u know all these terms..if not, i'll tell u then

Ecocentrism is contrasted with technocentric (meaning values centred on technology)
as two opposing perspectives on attitudes towards human technology and its ability to affect, control and even protect the environment.

Apa kerelevenan entry aku kali ini?

aku cuma nak ckp..aku almost completely technocrat and tidak ecocentric;

aku masih makan ikan walaupun bukan ikan paus
aku masih makan daging walaupun bukan daging kijang hutan
aku masih pakai kereta walaupun bukan hybrid car(uwaa...xmampu lg)
i'm not vegetarian and masih makan mknan tenusu
totally disagree with greenpeace that always do stupid things!
aku masih rasa binatang seperti ular harus dibunuh..hahahaha
aku tak tidur dengan pak belang, biawak... mcm mendiang steve (pokcik crocodile hunter)
i'm still depending on the technology (can't imagine life without my laptop, broadband, hP..)

But the basis i'm still love the environment
But life must goes on and people have to survive..but somehow we have to sacrifice something to get something..
but remember, it also has the LIMIT
the keyword is the limitation...

we, people also have the limtation. Pergaulan seharian pun ada limit. Makan, rehat pun perlu limit. Kerja pun perlu limit (oh, monday Blues sudah dtg..)

tepuk dada tanya selera
tepuk kepala tanya la otak
tepuk hati tanya perasaan

simple kan?

my best friend wedding

Semalam, jumpa byezura bujang my x-rumet masa pdrm dulu
Dia mai kl nak beli brg2 utk wedding dia nnt..segala macam tudung keras xkeras la bagai
huhu, sorang lagi kwn aku dah nak kawen
hati rasa cam sayu xtau pasaipa..
Apa-apa pun aku doakan dia bahagia ngn mr suka-suki dia
i'll pray for your happiness, dear!

p/s: jaga2 jgn bagi tumbuh jerawat yg bakal gelapkan masa depanmu hahahhaha

Hasrat yang tidak kesampaian...

Kilat menyabung guruh berdentum..hujan turun dgn lebatnya..


kansel niat aku nak berjogging petang ni kt tasik kelana jaya...
tarik selimut & sleep tight2..


Inilah lelaki idaman saya..

Cuba tanya wanita, kenalan, kawan2, BFF sekeliling anda ttg ciri lelaki idaman mereka?..

I've done 'my own survey'. Check it out, fellas!

Soalan: Ko suka lelaki mcm mana?

Awek 1: Aku nak lelaki cute, specky, kaya, beriman..and berkereta asal kuching (ini aku tmbah)haha
Awek 2: Kite suke lelaki yang baik tp xnak la baik sgt.., indian look, but kite selalu tersuke smart talker man..heh
Awek 3: I really like the brainy dudezzz
Awek 4: Ntah la wey, aku suka jo lelaki yg berseni2 ni..aku suka yg amik architecture
Awek 5: Aku suka lelaki yg selalu memanjakan aku..huhu
Awek 6: I like workaholic man. Biarla aku jeles ngan kerja2 dia dr aku jeles dgn awek2 keliling pinggang dia..
Awek 7: Aku suka lelaki cute, pandai nyanyi dlm youtube mcm abg am..hahahaa
Awek 8: Aku suka lelaki muka busuk and kurus kering mcm Lah v.e
Awek 9: Nor(bukan nama sebenar) suka hoppers ala2 dressing mcm adam af2 wazzup2!hahaha
Awek 10: Aku suka lelaki comel mcm dafi
Awek 11: Akak suka lelaki berbulu dada tebal..(erkkk..no comment!)
Awek 12: I suka lelaki yg boleh terima i seadanya..i tak kisah paras rupa, harta benda, darjat..(huh, ni xleh percaya..ayat bajet artis!plastik-mastik) - lelaki sila tidak percaya ye.

APa juga jawapan mereka berikan..semua betul xda salah.

Aku ada byk masa so saja buat list ni: "Ciri-ciri Lelaki Idaman Wanita a.k.a idaman saya :)"

1) Religious man
He can lead the family - no drugs, no bribe & bukan kaki perempuan!

2) Loves the kids!
Family man wanna be..

3) He should have brains
Intelligent but not nerdy just smart enuf so he's not dumb (LOL), good personality, high determination, ambition..

4) Really smart and full of confident, classy..
Comfortable with their decisions and actions without relying too heavily upon the opinions of others. A man of true confidence is not one who has to sell himself to you, but rather, simply is who he is.

5) At least know how to kick a ball...hahaha

6) down to earth- laid back person
senang nak bwk jumpa org tua mcm nih..

7) Sexy look
romantic, caring, humor

8) Bersih
'lelaki muka busuk' tp pembersih dimaafkan..

nak lagi??
A man who is...honest, laid back, adventurous, spontaneous, kind-hearted, a man of character and integrity, intelligently funny/witty, (and on that note) intelligent but not cocky or condescending, down-to-earth, cares about the environment!!!!, would make a good husband and father, charismatic, dependable, motivated and has high ambitions, loves traveling, eloquent and well-read....the list goes on, but those are some highlights!

uhh..i think i just described Prince Charming:)

Apa2 pun kita kena terima diri pasangan kita seadanya andai jodoh kita dah ditentukan dengannya..:D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

cakap tak serupa bikin

Aku nak balik
Td bos cakap bole balik awal
DTg awal 6.15am dah terpacak nak gi meeting ISMP kat Melaka
Otw blk dr melaka, bos ckp leh blk awal arini

Tp skrg dah 5.20pm,
Dan aku maseh di opis dan maseh membuat quotation budush ni...

tanye sama hati

"Tanya Sama Hati.."

lagu P Ramli. Tipula kalau kata tak tahu
Tapi entry ni xda kena-mengena dgn Allahyarham P.Ramli pun
Tapi ada kena-mengena dgn my BFF (double Fs oke :D)

Ada apa dgn hati..kenapa kena tanya hati
Hati tu kalau dah suka xboleh nak buat apa dah
Tp kita kena jugak tanya dgn otak
Sbb kdg2 kita lupa peranan dia..
Asik tanya dekat hati je
Tak tanya otak
Yela otak mmg kecik berbanding hati
tp peranan otak tu besar

Hati kita sakit pun sbb otak
Otak yg hantar impuls kesakitan tu kehati

aku pun xtau apa aku tulis

kesimpulannya, jgn tanya sama hati sbb nanti mati

jgn marah ye BFF!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


i leave this photo for your own interpretation..:D !

the break-up

Hubungan aku dgn dia dah msk thn ke-8 dah
8years..tp skrg dia dah kecewakan aku..
dan aku dah mula rasa nak break up dah dgn dia..
aku bengang sgt2 dgn dia nih
we ends today..and
tiada maaf bagimu..!

wahai CELCOMku..yg konon2nya the power is in your hand..
kamu sgt budush
dah cekik duit aku tapi service hampeh!
internet connection too slow..
stupid! stupid!
time aku tgh berkobar2 nak buat blog (ini blog utk assignment ye kawan2) connection down le pulak.

aku tido dulu malas layan kamu. Esok meeting kt melaka, another world depression series.

tamau sweet dream..tamau mimpi apa2..nak tido tanpa mimpi sbb itu tido yg nyenyak

Sunday, March 8, 2009

dulu nak jd doctor


"Life is hard"
"Susah jadi aku tau.."
"Erm..ko xde dlm situasi aku ko xrasa.."
"Korang xpala..kalau korang dlm situasi ni mesti korang rasa yang sama.."
"Aku rasa sgt LOSER skrg..aku DOWN.."
"Aku rasa aku plg teruk, aku paling malang..semua kwn2 aku dah ke puncak aku ja dok merangkak2"
"ntahla wei..kdg2 aku rasa malas nak fikir aku ikut je"

Sejak dua menjak ni byk sgt kwn2, sedara2 yang komplen pasal hidup masing-masing. itulah antara ungkapan2 yang selalu didengar.Lagak aku mcmla pegawai psikologi..hahaha.tp aku juga ada masalah yg sama..and WE ARE IN THE SAME BOAT.

So, stop complaining..we have to live with that kawan-kawanku.Hidup mesti diteruskan and find the solution for the problems..Bak kata kawan aku sorang ni, dulu dia engineer tp skrang dah nak tukar ke profesion perguruan, sambung KPLI di Sarawak. Dia kata, apa yg ko nak risau sgt pasal masalah2 ni..

..kalau ko benci dgn kerja skrg, cuba cari kerja lain yang ko lebih suka
..kalau ko xsuka kawan-kawan ko skrg, cari kwn2 baru
..kalau duit ko xcukup, pandai-pandaila jimat bagi cukup
..kalau ko rasa nak kawen, carila calon pastu kawen..

so she says life is simple.Either u live with it. Or u just complaining day by day and do nothing. Tuhan hanya menolong hamba-Nya yang membantu diri mereka sendiri.

haha..betul jugak apa dia ckp tu,

ni dia la kak shida(kakak tau muka dia mmg awet muda yuu)..yg byk mmberi nasihat kat kami.Skrg dia dan hand over kami kat KAK niza(sure, bengkek gila niza baca ni..)


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


"A Picture is Worth Thousand Words.."
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