Sunday, March 29, 2009

ilmiah la sikit..

* Technocratic environmental ethics?
* Bioethicist @deep ecology @ecocentric?

if you are environmental jargon, surely u know all these terms..if not, i'll tell u then

Ecocentrism is contrasted with technocentric (meaning values centred on technology)
as two opposing perspectives on attitudes towards human technology and its ability to affect, control and even protect the environment.

Apa kerelevenan entry aku kali ini?

aku cuma nak ckp..aku almost completely technocrat and tidak ecocentric;

aku masih makan ikan walaupun bukan ikan paus
aku masih makan daging walaupun bukan daging kijang hutan
aku masih pakai kereta walaupun bukan hybrid car(uwaa...xmampu lg)
i'm not vegetarian and masih makan mknan tenusu
totally disagree with greenpeace that always do stupid things!
aku masih rasa binatang seperti ular harus dibunuh..hahahaha
aku tak tidur dengan pak belang, biawak... mcm mendiang steve (pokcik crocodile hunter)
i'm still depending on the technology (can't imagine life without my laptop, broadband, hP..)

But the basis i'm still love the environment
But life must goes on and people have to survive..but somehow we have to sacrifice something to get something..
but remember, it also has the LIMIT
the keyword is the limitation...

we, people also have the limtation. Pergaulan seharian pun ada limit. Makan, rehat pun perlu limit. Kerja pun perlu limit (oh, monday Blues sudah dtg..)

tepuk dada tanya selera
tepuk kepala tanya la otak
tepuk hati tanya perasaan

simple kan?

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