Friday, June 20, 2008

zarqalians 00-02

who sits on the left,right,front,back of you in
class ?? (zarqali '2002)

-left: xda org
-right: mazdiana (dah jd wife org )
-front: ayat omar
-back: umi salmah

Name any 7 girls in ur class -
-kema = kemut
- diana = loqlaq budak nih
-zuaini = nonstop talking
- rina =
brutal look but soft inside=
- umi = the 'garangness'

- kusul = mana hilang?
-jue - knk2 ribena look alike but kawin cepat

-Name any 7 guys in ur class:

- rahimy - ayam
- hasbul- alim bdk ni
- syuk - pandai baca Al-Quran

- pok cik - 'khamis boy'
- adli = sempoi ..
-min = anak sultan
- azri = always the mastermind

whose the most quietest
- kok - jiwang but brilliant

class clown
- adli azhana

most hardworking
- hasbul

most sweetest
- rina kot..

most innocent
- nazihah

always get into trouble
- totok a.k.a fahmi (when there is anything to be deal with the girls..)

most funny
- dik ana...

best moment in class

panjat bukit mertajam

what you do during recess
lepak2 kat koop makan eskrem..gossiping

whose contact do you have

ada la

what you do during class
sleep like baby..ahahaa

who always laugh in class

fav hangout with friends in skool
ujung toilet girls blok H..

i miss u olls..


k3i said...

do u notice dat u mention my name twice?? hehe

nani said...

eleh kema. ngada. hehe :) jadilah cikgu :P

Aen_zz said...

dayah memblog tanpe mmberitaw gua?? ishk ish.xpe.xpe..aen linkkan jugak ke blog aen..hahaaahaaaha

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