K-E-PoChii aKa mr/ms busyboDy
(Def:A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others)
Every human culture has its busybodies, in all classes and of both genders. There is, it seems, a recurring human type who loves to poke their nose into other people's business. But, perlukah kepochi itu?
Into every matter must you peer, mr/ms KepocHi, but you must know that to be a busy body is hardly pays..
If we asked him/her (not to mention his gender) why bother? He/She'll answered in a manner way , "I have to be a big busybody.." So you have to be or used to be?aiyoo..
(Def:A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others)
Every human culture has its busybodies, in all classes and of both genders. There is, it seems, a recurring human type who loves to poke their nose into other people's business. But, perlukah kepochi itu?
Into every matter must you peer, mr/ms KepocHi, but you must know that to be a busy body is hardly pays..
If we asked him/her (not to mention his gender) why bother? He/She'll answered in a manner way , "I have to be a big busybody.." So you have to be or used to be?aiyoo..
p/s: Kdg2 rasa nak tergelak pun ada. Benda xperlu tau pun dia nak tau terjenguk2..haih, mcm2 peel manusia di muka bumi ni. Betul la kata mama, ada anak 3 org pun dah macam2 ragam, sorang-sorang lain pe'elnya :D
kadang-kadang kita salah menilai, kepochi tanda sayang.
siapakah anda
mmmhhh..what's your opinion???
no idea
kita dijadikan dgn adanya deria rasa..
mata - melihat sekeliling (spy)
hidung - menghidu rahsia (big fish)
telinga - mendengar rahsia
mulut - bicara manis; sumpah dan janji
hati - selalu disakiti
otak - mesti lah pikir nak bunuh kepochi
tangan - tampar je kepochi tu
kaki - terajang je ke laut
kesimpulannya.. kepochi ada pada kita jugak.. kadang2 kita tak sedar kita jugak lah kepochi..
betul tak??
pasni aku letak dlm blog aku lah..
yg pasti aku tak kopi & pes teh.. hahhaa
btw it is mr kepochi
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