Thursday, November 27, 2008


I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky,

I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,

I think my dreams keep me sane,

I dream of happiness, a life without pain,

some people say I'm stuck in this place,

and I'll never go anywhere,

but in my dreams I've already been there,

I know some day I'll have to wake up,

but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare,

I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland,

this poem goes to all the dreamers that understand,

no matter what they say...

keep your dreams but don't dream your life away,

p/s: copy org punya


K-E-PoChii aKa mr/ms busyboDy
(Def:A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others)

Every human culture has its busybodies, in all classes and of both genders. There is, it seems, a recurring human type who loves to poke their nose into other people's business. But, perlukah kepochi itu?

Into every matter must you peer, mr/ms KepocHi, but you must know that to be a busy body is hardly pays..

If we asked him/her (not to mention his gender) why bother? He/She'll answered in a manner way , "I have to be a big busybody.." So you have to be or used to be?aiyoo..

p/s: Kdg2 rasa nak tergelak pun ada. Benda xperlu tau pun dia nak tau terjenguk2..haih, mcm2 peel manusia di muka bumi ni. Betul la kata mama, ada anak 3 org pun dah macam2 ragam, sorang-sorang lain pe'elnya :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Aizat - Lagu Kita

Deras hati ku berdetar
Di langit aku terlihatkanmu
Terang malam.... teman kita
Dengan angin meniup sayu

Ku petik gitar akustik ini
Dengan harapan dia mendengar
Melodi indah yang ku cipta
Hanya untuk luahkan rinduku padanya

CHO: Dan aku terus...
Menyanyi lagu ini untukmu
Walau berjuta mendengar
Lagu ini hanya untukmu
Arah hidup kita
Digambar bintang di angkasa
Dan berkelip melukis cinta
Terciptalah Lagu Kita

Melodi indah yang ku cipta
Hanya untuk luahkan rinduku padanya

utk dia yg keJAUHan...


....status YM-ku

reason? bos outstation
mood? syiokla..lg mau tanya?
any plan? revlon & silkygirl warehouse sale visit..lunch hour tomorrow

dadadaa..hati berlagu riang..

"Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam"

Monday, November 17, 2008

fireflies & nature park visit

Firelies & nature park visit at 15th Nov 2008. Enjoy beb dgn geng2 masteRIA Upm (bak kata shed, budak master yg riang ria, hehe)
Nyza, saja dyh letak gamabr nih bg nyza jeles..hahaha. Best nyza rugi xpi

::On our way to Kuala S'gor::
(ekah, shed, me, MS JEY, wani, fad)

::just started,full of energy::
(ekah, sheda, mr a.k, fad & me-behind a.k)

::in the middle of sumwhere in the forest::
(shed, fad, wani, jey, ekah,me as photographer)

::the photographer::

::fireflies adventure begin::
(lin, weda, aen, me, wani, ms jey)

::last capture::
(master env eng,UPM)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

it's just a matter of time

nurul KBY: hahahahaha
nurul KBY: it's a metter of time actually
nurul KBY: *matter
nurul KBY:
nani hanani: yesss
nani hanani: very true
nani hanani: kte p'caye la
nani hanani: time can change
nani hanani: huuu
nurul KBY: dx/dt
nurul KBY:
nani hanani: ahahah
nani hanani: ha
nurul KBY: dts true
nani hanani: function eh tu
nani hanani: he
nurul KBY: f(x)=dx/dt
nurul KBY: if no function, no change with time alsoo
nurul KBY:
nurul KBY: useless la
nani hanani: uhu
nurul KBY: wahh terer i sepeking bahasa matematik
nani hanani:
nani hanani: kte kn sume boel
nani hanani: *bole
nurul KBY: multitasking
nani hanani: bahase cinte2 pn bole ok

Conversation between me and nani during opis hour :D
What does it mean by it's just a matter of time?anybody pls help me

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

pleeasee show me the money

duit..penting ka duit
penting sgt kah smpai melanggar hak tatasusila masyrakat? mencerobohi hak awam? dan yg plg sakit hati duit punya hal dah mengganggu gugat emosi aku yg separa sedar ini.

Aku bukan xdak duit, bukan hutang keliling pinggang, bukan makan xpenah cukup, bukan juga sesak duit. Tp aku pening dengan manusia yg merelakan diri mereka menjadi hamba duit. Sebab apa? lama-kelamaan aku pun dah terikut2 jd mcm dia, jd hamba duit..

Aku xmau jd mcm dia.
xmau jd hamba duit

Aku dia yg salah

ahhh...Duit punya pasal..

harapan II

harapan aku dah berkecai mcm gelas kaca jatuhberderai ke lantai

akanku cr gelas baru
biar cleaner yg cuci kaca2 itu...

Monday, November 3, 2008

love u till the end

P.S. I Love You soundtrack lyrics -- Love You 'Till The End .. The Pogues

I just want to see you
When youre all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I cant escape
I love you till the end

I just want to tell you nothing
You dont want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why dont you just take me
Where Ive never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you till the end

I just want to be there
When were caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on its cloak
Im lost for words dont tell me
All I can say
I love you till the end

very touching and romantic movie...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

satu harapan


baru abis 2 paper yg mcm hampeh..

br ym dgn wani nonstop td. Adala heavy discussion about life;

zureen aynn: kta terus hidup dengan adanya hrpn
nurul KBY: tp bila hrpn tu mula berkecai
nurul KBY: untuk apa hidup
zureen aynn: teruskan mencari harapan br
nurul KBY:
nurul KBY: bagus ayat ang
nurul KBY: aku kna tulih dlm diari nih

ps: aku rasa ada betulnya kata2 dia ni..
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